Faith Yadira A. Castillo Faith Yadira A. Castillo

How to Study the Bible (For Kids)

"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against [God]." Psalm 119:11

The Bible has been a key component to our family and also our homeschool efforts. Studying the Bible is an integral part of our studies and normally how we start out the day.

CHOSE a Bible Study Book

How to Study the Bible Kids

"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against [God]." Psalm 119:11

The Bible has been a key component to our family and also our homeschool efforts. Studying the Bible is an integral part of our studies and normally how we start out the day. I did not grow up in a home where we talked or studied the Bible. I grew up in a Catholic home, the church was part of our life, but only for special occasions or holidays. It was not until I was in my late 20's that I found that the Bible was something I could apply to my life. My desire is for my children to have the word of God as part of their life and starting them at an early age should help the Word of God to dwell in their hearts. The end goal and desire if for all my children to give their life to Jesus. And my job is to teach them about God. 

Have an inductive bible

I've chosen to use the Discover 4 Yourself books by Kay Arthur. We also use the New Inductive Study Bible (NISB). The kids have colored markers that they use to write on the Bible without it bleeding through to the other pages. They mark the Who, What, How, When, Where and Why of the scripture we are studying. I chose this series because it would teach them how to study the Bible inductively. An inductive Bible study consists of three parts or questions. Observation: What does the passage say? Interpretation: What does the passage mean? Application: How does the passage apply to me?The books have crossword puzzles, games, charts, and places to draw. 

Markings for Inductive Bible Study

Make it real!

Bible Study Craft

We also memorize a Bible verse that goes with what we are studying. For example in the book of Genesis we memorized Genesis 1:1-10. 

It may seem daunting to have your children memorize a verse, but you will be surprised at how much they can retain. Even my 5-year-old twins were able to memorize half of the verse. You just need to make it fun and do a little each day, before you know it they will have it memorized. 

To have your children participate remember to make it fun. You can act out what you are studying, or re-enact the scenes with stuffed animals or finger puppets. Make crafts that go with your study. For example, in Genesis, you can do a project with animals and the ark to bring the story to life. There are tons ideas on Pinterest. 

While you study the Bible with your children, remember that they also pay close attention to what you do. Live out the Word of God in your daily life so that they can model their behavior. And remember your children are never too young to start hearing and learning about God. If you have young children, have them join in on the fun. They may not understand everything, but they will be learning much more than you think. 

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Faith Yadira A. Castillo Faith Yadira A. Castillo

Raising Strong Girls

(Luke 12:7) But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.

There is a great responsibility for mothers raising daughters to model proper self-esteem.  This self-esteem that is powered by God's love for us.

Daughter and the Mirror.jpg
(Luke 12:7) But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.

There is a great responsibility for mothers raising daughters to model proper self-esteem.  This self-esteem that is powered by God's love for us.

As a teenager and up until my mid-20's, I struggled with low self-esteem. It was socially debilitating. I avoided conversations with new people, or better yet kept to myself and missed many opportunities by not getting out of my comfort zone. My internal dialogue was all about the countless reasons why I was not smart enough, pretty enough, and lastly just not good enough. Those thoughts were my inner dialogue to myself and were on repeat. 

It wasn't until my late 20's that I was able to tackle my issues with self-esteem. What changed? I found Jesus Christ. I found my identity in Christ and was overwhelmed with his love for me. I did not have an earthly father that was present, but now I have a heavenly Father that will always be for me and has unconditional love for me. He made me perfectly and the first in Luke 12:7 was a game changer for me. Anytime I repeated the negative inner dialogue I recalled the verse in Luke12:7 and my my was renewed and I had a healthy view of myself that I had never experienced before. As they years have passed, I have gained more strength and my self-esteem come from my identity in Christ.  

This world focuses on how someone looks, making it vital for my daughter (and all girls) to be rooted in the truth, God's truth. The message to just "love yourself," is everywhere. As if you just have to will enough feeling of love and you will be o.k. But the message omits God's truth, which one should deny themselves and seek Him and take up his cross daily. When consumed with seeking Jesus Christ our insecurities fade away. It becomes a process more of Him, less of you. In this process, we don't look to our efforts to have worth but find confidence in who He is. 

A mature relationship with Christ will overflow to those around you and will be the best modeling you can give your daughter to know who she is in Christ. She will see that you are not seeking approval from the world, but rather seeking Christ in your daily walk. It will come across in how you talk to others, in how you dress and how you strive to have a balanced life regarding health and fitness. 

My daughter is 7-years old, and I can recall as early as a 5-year old her asking me if she was pretty. And this question came up and my husband and I made sure to not make statements to build on her looks but rather her heart and she still on her own was seeking approval on how she looked from others.  A little saying that we say to all our children is that "Your heart is more important than what you look like or what others think." We repeat this to her when she asks, "Do I look pretty?" We teach all our children that they are made in God's image and that God does not care about how they look but if their heart is seeking Him. But at the end of the day our children will do what we do not what we say, making it more important that we ourselves our right with God and know who we are in Him. 

This is another verse that I found myself meditating on to help me get away from my negative thoughts and get right with God. I'm thankful every day that I have Jesus Christ as my strength and that I know without a doubt who I am in Him. My hope is that more women and daughters will find their Christ-esteem. 

Jeremiah 1:5 - Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
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